Saturday, June 16, 2007

Here we go!

Thing 1
June 16, 2007

I appreciated the 7.5 Habits very much. Can't say I've thought about them in those terms
before but they make sense. The easiest one for me is viewing problems as challenges. I've
appreciated being around people who are positive and look for ways of dealing with problems
or issues no matter how hard. It's not always easy to do. The hardest habit for me is using technology to my advantage. I would rather do things the old fashioned way, the way I know
rather than have to figure out and learn something new. That means I have to think! But
I know it's important to keep our brains active in order to keep them sharp as tacks!

1 comment:

ChattyKathe said...

Don't you just hate when you have to actually think? It hurts my head!